Doctors at a private hospital in Sharjah successfully removed a tumor weighing nearly 16kg from a patient, as large as a watermelon. For eight years, a 63-year-old patient named SA had been dealing with progressive abdominal distension, a condition where the abdomen expands. This tumor significantly affected his daily activities, making it difficult for him to walk, sit, and even turn in bed.

Despite knowing about his diagnosis for several years, SA was initially afraid of surgery. However, he decided to take action when his symptoms worsened significantly over the past six months. The surgical team at Burjeel Specialty Hospital in Sharjah effectively treated the retroperitoneal tumor, which weighed as much as four newborn babies.

“When I learned about my tumor a few years ago, I was terrified of the surgery. But when my daily life became unbearable due to swelling in both feet, I decided to undergo surgery after consulting with doctors at Burjeel Hospital, Sharjah,” SA recounted. He described his symptoms as severe discomfort, disrupted sleep, and swelling in his feet and ankles that extended up to his knee joints, along with debilitating back pain that greatly restricted his daily activities.

According to the doctors, SA had a massively distended and tense abdomen, with a large mass measuring 50x50x40 cm occupying all quadrants of his abdomen. The tumor, located in the retroperitoneal space, had grown slowly over many years to reach such a massive size. Diagnostic imaging revealed a large heterogeneous mass with fatty, solid, and calcified components, which displaced bowel loops and compressed major vessels like the aorta and inferior vena cava (IVC), while also displacing the urinary bladder. Fortunately, a PET CT scan confirmed the absence of distant metastases, and laboratory investigations showed normal results.

Given the tumor’s size and the associated symptoms, a multidisciplinary tumor board recommended surgical intervention. After consultations with various specialists, including Prof Humaid Alshamsi, CEO of Burjeel Cancer Institute, and Dr Mohammed Basheeruddin Inamdar, a surgical oncologist consultant and robotic surgeon, SA decided to proceed with the surgery. He underwent a complex laparotomy for the excision of the retroperitoneal tumor, which required meticulous planning and precise execution due to the mass’s large size and long-standing nature.

Reflecting on the surgery, SA described it as extremely smooth, with him sleeping through the procedure. “I woke up with a flatter abdomen and significant relief. I felt younger and rejuvenated. By day two, I was up and about, independent and much lighter, having lost close to 20 kilograms,” SA said. The intricate five-hour procedure was led by Dr Inamdar, with support from Dr Omar Hnaidi and Dr Mohamed Eid Ali.

The cause of the tumor is not specific, but it developed from the normal fat present in the retroperitoneal compartment, which then mutated and multiplied into a giant tumor. SA experienced a dramatic improvement in his symptoms post-surgery. His leg swelling reduced significantly by day four, and he was discharged from the hospital on the sixth day, returning to a normal diet. Follow-up care includes physical examinations every three months and annual scans.

This case highlights the importance of early diagnosis and timely surgical intervention to optimize patient outcomes and restore functional health. SA expressed his gratitude, saying, “I wish I had undergone the procedure earlier. I would like to thank the medical team at Burjeel Specialty Hospital, Sharjah, for their expertise and support.”