For Emirati driver H. K., 2023 proved to be the most costly year in terms of fines since she started driving, accumulating a total of Dh80,000. She acknowledged, "Most of these fines are for speeding. Some I was unaware of, but in certain instances, I knew I was exceeding the speed limit, especially during long drives where I wasn't certain about the speed limits." Additional fines were issued for violations like lane discipline and using a mobile phone while driving. H.K. also admitted to receiving numerous speeding fines in previous years. "Each year, I intend to drive more responsibly, but inevitably, I end up speeding when I'm late," she explained. "However, upon seeing the Dh80,000 bill, I was shocked. It's the highest I've ever had to pay. I'm now actively working on becoming a better driver this year."

A Khaleej Times poll involving 9100 respondents revealed that over 7500 people incurred fines under Dh5000 annually, while more than 500 faced penalties exceeding Dh20,000. Recently, Abu Dhabi police reported penalizing over 300,000 drivers for driving too slowly on highways, enforcing a minimum speed of 120kmph on the first two lanes of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Road since May 2023 to enhance safety.

Indian expat Shanil Abdul Rahman, who frequently travels between Ajman and Abu Dhabi, shared, "My wife and I often encounter issues on that highway and received some penalties last year. For this year, we budgeted Dh2000 for fines, yet we still got fined twice for slow speed on the same road within minutes. We've already reached Dh1400 with half a year left, making it doubtful if we can stick to our budget."

German expat Maheen Husainy discussed how fines influenced her family's decision-making, particularly when considering relocating. "Currently living in Jumeirah, where my husband's workplace is nearby, we contemplated moving further out due to rising rent. However, after calculating petrol costs and potential fines, we decided to stay. As an experienced driver, I know that longer commutes increase the likelihood of fines due to potential negligence," she explained.

Pakistani expat Sara K. recalled her brother's hefty Dh30,000 fine in his first year of driving. "He was 18 and thought he was a racing driver. The fines were primarily for speeding. It was a wake-up call for him, leading to strict rules imposed by our father. Since then, he hasn't received any speeding fines until his move to Australia last year," she said.

Emirati Noora T., aged 34, shared her resolve after receiving Dh6000 in fines in 2018. "I was shocked by the bill and realized the extent of my speeding fines. Since then, I've been determined not to incur any more fines. I drive very carefully and avoid using my phone while driving, preferring to spend my hard-earned money on enjoyable things rather than fines," she stated.