Abu Dhabi Police took to X on Sunday to remind motorists and passengers to celebrate UAE National Day safely over the next two days to avoid fines and penalties.

Residents were cautioned against hanging out of car windows and sunroofs, which could result in a Dh2,000 fine, 23 black points, and a 60-day impoundment of their vehicle. This action is considered driving in a manner that endangers both the driver's life and the lives of others.

Additionally, the police warned that drivers, passengers, or pedestrians using party sprays would face a Dh1,000 fine and receive 6 traffic points.

Last month, the UAE Ministry of Interior provided guidelines for celebrating Eid Al Etihad, emphasizing that random marches or gatherings are not permitted. The guidelines also advised against performing stunts or obstructing traffic.

Source link:   https://www.khaleejtimes.com