Actress Revathy Sampath has openly accused prominent Malayalam actor Siddique, the general secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), of sexual misconduct. These accusations have caused a stir in the Malayalam film industry. In an interview with Indian news agency ANI, Sampath recounted her distressing encounter with Siddique, which started when she was a teenager. She explained how Siddique first contacted her through a seemingly fake social media account. "I connected with actor Siddique during my 10+2 period. He messaged me from an account that appeared to be fake, and he maintained contact with me for two years, addressing me as 'daughter'. He learned that I was interested in acting, and he is a criminal who must have planned everything," she stated.

Sampath described how Siddique's professional demeanor changed unexpectedly. She mentioned that during a meeting ostensibly to discuss a film opportunity, Siddique's behavior allegedly turned aggressive. "Initially, everything seemed professional... after some discussion, his conversation suddenly turned sexual, and by the time I realized it was a trap, the door was locked... I was helpless and scared," she recounted. Sampath alleged that Siddique physically assaulted her and threatened to ruin her career if she spoke out about the incident.

"I sought help but received no support. There were no support groups for me... I have taken legal action against this once, but I can't do it again. If there is assurance of security and no cost to our dreams, then we can come forward," she said. "I am ready to present all the evidence. He sent messages on Messenger and WhatsApp... but do we have such security? I am still trying to get back on track with my career," Sampath added.

Siddique is known for his roles in over 300 Malayalam films and several Tamil productions, including Jana and Bhaskar Oru Rascal. These allegations come at a critical time for the Malayalam film industry, which is already dealing with the repercussions of the Justice Hema Committee report. The report, released to the public on August 19, highlighted systemic issues within the industry, particularly concerning the treatment of women. Meanwhile, Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra made her own allegations against Malayalam filmmaker Ranjith, leading to his resignation as chairman of the Kerala Chalachitra Academy. Kerala's Cultural and Youth Affairs Minister Saji Cherian has promised a thorough investigation into these allegations. In a social media post, Cherian stated, "The government will not protect whoever does the mistake. Action assured if the allegations against Film Academy Chairman Ranjith are proved." The controversy surrounding Siddique and the broader issues exposed by the Hema Committee report have intensified calls for accountability within the industry. Filmmaker Biju has also voiced strong criticisms, demanding the immediate removal of Ranjith and calling out perceived governmental inaction.