Out of 153 private schools, eight were rated outstanding in the National Identity Mark inspections conducted by the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK). The inspections focused on evaluating the integration of national identity programs into the curricula, with a specific emphasis on students’ knowledge of Emirati traditions, customs, and values.

According to ADEK's evaluation, 33 schools were rated good, while 79 were rated acceptable. On the other hand, 33 schools were rated weak, and the assessment for other private schools is yet to be conducted. During the initial phase of inspections, six schools requested to be reassessed.

Yasmina Private School demonstrated significant progress, moving from a weak rating to a good rating, while others showed varied improvements. Dr. Sara Al Suwaidi, Director at ADEK, emphasized the need for schools to continuously develop national identity programs integrated into their curricula, involving the entire school community, including parents.

Further inspections will encompass 60 private schools before the academic year concludes. The National Identity Mark encompasses three domains: Culture, Values, and Citizenship, covering aspects such as history, heritage, Arabic language, respect, compassion, global understanding, belonging, volunteering, and conservation.

It's important to note that the National Identity Mark rankings are distinct from ADEK’s Irtiqa’a Inspection, which evaluates the performance standards of Abu Dhabi's private schools and provides recommendations for enhancement.