When it comes to property security and authorized room access, Vingcard Allure door locks are the industry's choice for ensuring maximum safety and an attractive design, while offering a range of convenience-enhancing features. The lock features an LED-lit panel compatible with advanced RFID and NFC encryption technology, ensuring the protection of key credential data and allowing for customizable panel backgrounds that seamlessly match a property's branding and interior style.

With its optional interior room-facing panel, Vingcard Allure provides ultimate convenience and privacy, enabling guests to post 'make-up-room' or 'do-not-disturb' notifications without opening the door. For properties seeking a minimalistic style, Vingcard Essence offers a sleek, modern appearance equipped with the latest security technology. The stylish reader is the only visible part of the solution's advanced security access capabilities, blending effortlessly with any interior decor.

Like Vingcard Allure, Vingcard Essence is compatible with Mobile Access, allowing businesses to upgrade to the latest digital key service technology without replacing existing hardware. With the introduction of Vingcard Novel, properties can now access the most recent advancements in scalable, next-generation door lock design. Manufactured using sustainable practices, Vingcard Novel encapsulates all components within the door handle, offering a sleek appearance and a future-proof solution.

The modular approach to its components allows properties to upgrade and customize according to specific business needs, from updating security protocols to integrating with third-party services and systems. Vingcard Novel is the ultimate door lock capable of keeping pace with technological advancements and evolving consumer trends.