Authorities in Ajman have cautioned residents about deceptive shipping companies requesting updates to personal information and payment of fees. Ajman Police have reported that entities masquerading as shipping companies are disseminating text messages claiming there are detained shipments, necessitating the update of personal details and a fee for release.

"Refrain from responding to text messages that falsely represent shipping companies, claiming there are detained shipments and requesting data updates and fees. Do not engage with messages asking for data updates to avoid falling victim to fraud," Ajman Police advised in a social media post on X.

Numerous residents continue to receive text messages from entities posing as shipping companies, urging them to update personal information by clicking on a link. Scammers have employed sophisticated methods to defraud individuals, with the latest tactic being vishing (voice phishing), where they impersonate police, the Ministry of Interior, or banks, tricking residents into divulging sensitive personal information by authorizing UAE Pass requests.

Recently, Abu Dhabi Police also alerted residents to fraudulent calls and links to fake websites circulating on social media, exploiting events, activities, and occasions to attract the public with counterfeit services, offers, and benefits.