AlHanouf Gharib, a mother of five, is a leading engineer at Etihad Water and Electricity (EtihadWE), a state-run utility provider for the northern emirates, where she develops smart city infrastructure. Holding a bachelor’s degree in sustainable and renewable energy engineering, this Emirati professional has been actively promoting resource efficiency and climate action. Over the past eight years at EtihadWE, the 31-year-old has spearheaded numerous projects on water conservation, building retrofits, and the early phases of electric vehicle charging stations, as well as the development of smart metering infrastructure.

AlHanouf is among the trailblazers working on various projects to create smart cities that meet the needs of their residents, where sustainability is a core component of urban life. Despite the engineering field being predominantly male, AlHanouf has broken through barriers with every project she has led. However, managing a high-pressure career while raising five children aged from 1 to 11 years has been a significant challenge. She attributes her family as her greatest support system.

“My husband is my biggest cheerleader,” she shared with Khaleej Times. “And my children, though young, are starting to grasp the significance of my work. They are just beginning their academic journey, and I aim to teach them the importance of hard work, dedication, and following their passions.” At home, AlHanouf lives by her principles, encouraging her family and domestic helpers to conserve energy and water.

“Balancing a family of five children is demanding, but I am educating my children to be independent and focused, not just academically but also in developing their character for a better future. I advocate for energy conservation and raise awareness about its environmental significance. I believe that minor adjustments can lead to substantial impacts.” Her commitment goes beyond her family to the wider community, having conducted around 50 workshops on energy conservation that have reached over 1,500 individuals, promoting sustainable environmental practices.

“Believe in your capabilities,” she encouraged young Emirati women. “Invest in education and never cease learning. Knowledge is power, and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to – provided you dare to dream.”