An American pastor who has been detained by China since 2006, on charges that the United States has deemed baseless, has been released, according to the State Department. A spokesperson for the State Department announced on Sunday that David Lin "has returned to the United States and now gets to see his family for the first time in nearly 20 years." The spokesperson further stated, "We welcome David Lin's release from prison in the People's Republic of China."

In addition to Lin, China has detained several other US citizens on various charges, including Kai Li, a businessman accused of espionage in 2016. According to US media, Lin was sentenced to life in prison on charges of contract fraud, although Washington has maintained that he was wrongfully detained. His daughter, Alice Lin, informed Politico that her 68-year-old father would arrive in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday.

Various US officials have been advocating for the release of Lin and others in recent years. California Governor Gavin Newsom, for instance, pushed for his freedom during a visit to China last October, which included discussions with President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The release of Lin comes just before a congressional hearing scheduled for later this week on US citizens imprisoned in China.