From journalist to menopause care pioneer, Canadian expat Ann Marie McQueen has devoted her life to dismantling the stigmas associated with a phase every woman experiences. Hotflash inc, the first UAE-based platform focused on revealing the realities of perimenopause and menopause, boasts a community of over 50,000 women globally. At 54, she reflects on her 16-year tenure in Dubai, its lessons on life and finance, and her emergence as a crypto enthusiast.

If asked to define money in a single word, what would it be? 'A tool.' If you were to pen a letter to money, what might it say? 'I no longer fear you.' How would you characterize your financial relationship? 'I heeded too many voices, ignored my gut feelings, and trusted the wrong advisors. This led to anxiety and avoidance. I spent recklessly, lacked respect for its value, and made no long-term plans.' What shaped this dynamic? 'Growing up, my father often remarked, ‘We can't keep up with the Joneses’, implying money was negative. My parents also argued about finances.'

What financial management lessons did your mother impart? 'She had a rebellious attitude towards money, which I inherited. Now, I ensure I spend only when calm, not driven by excitement or fear.' Who has been your greatest financial mentor? 'I’ve taught myself, as previous financial advisors were more about flash and fear. I’ve studied Benjamin Graham, Morgan Housel, and Saifedean Ammous. I’ve engaged in daily money meditation and joined financial courses.'

What has been your most impactful financial experience? 'My money fears peaked in my early 50s. Being unmarried and childless, and with my mother passing at 53, I never planned beyond that. On a trip to Koh Samui, I realized that whether I live long or short, I have the resources to manage. It’s never too late to organize your finances.' How has living in the UAE altered your financial perspective? 'It’s reduced my interest in showing off and excessive spending.'

If you could advise your younger self about money, what would it be? 'Follow your instincts.' What do you prioritize spending on? 'Experiences, travel, family visits, helping others, and educational resources.' What are your financial aspirations? 'To expand my platform, develop community-driven courses, and write books.' How much do you typically save monthly? 'Currently, I’m investing heavily in Hotflash inc and crypto, but usually aim to save around 10%, working towards 30%.'