Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan Khan, has made a substantial real estate acquisition. He bought two floors valued at Rs370 million (approximately Dh16 million) in a South Delhi building where Shah Rukh Khan already owns the ground floor and basement.

Documents accessed by the Economic Times reveal that Aryan's new property is situated in Delhi's Panchsheel Park. The deal, which was registered in May 2024, required Aryan to pay Rs20.64 million in stamp duty. These floors are in the same building where Shah Rukh and his wife, Gauri Khan, resided during their early years. The Khan family currently owns the basement and ground floor of this building.

Professionally, Aryan is gearing up to direct his first web show, Stardom, marking his foray into Bollywood as a director rather than an actor. Insights into the father-son relationship indicate that Shah Rukh Khan offered to make a cameo in Aryan's series, but Aryan declined to avoid any suggestion of leveraging his family's status. Rumors also suggest that streaming platforms are keen to acquire the series.