Three cherished companions from Baldur's Gate 3 are set to receive official Funko Pop figures later this year. Fans will have the opportunity to add the High Elf vampire Astarion, Half-Elf cleric Shadowheart, and the endearing Tiefling barbarian Karlach to their collections this December. As is customary with Funko Pops, release dates may vary slightly among retailers, but enthusiasts might still manage to secure all three in time for the festive season. It's advisable not to delay, as these figures are already beginning to sell out. Each vinyl figure is priced between $12 and $13, with preorders currently available at Amazon, GameStop, and Entertainment Earth.

As of October 17, GameStop lists the release date for all three figures as December 21. Amazon plans to release two of them on December 16, though one is already sold out, with the third expected in January. Entertainment Earth offers each figure for $1 less, but the delivery estimate for all three is January. Therefore, if you're aiming to complete the series promptly, GameStop appears to be the best option.

The Baldur's Gate 3 Funko Pop figures showcase the characters' signature outfits and accessories as depicted in the game. Astarion is equipped with a dagger, mirroring his appearance on the box art, while Shadowheart holds the enigmatic artifact central to her quest. Karlach, on the other hand, wields a two-handed battle axe and includes a miniature figure of her beloved teddy bear, Clive.

For those unfamiliar with Funko Pops, one listing might seem puzzling with its mention of "Astarion (or Chase)." This isn't a Funko Pop rendition of the player character known as the Chicken Chaser. Funko often selects one figure from each collection to produce a limited number with a modified design. These alterations can range from subtle to dramatic, such as a different color scheme. In this instance, Astarion trades his dagger for a book. There's a one-in-six chance of obtaining Astarion's limited-edition Chase figure.

Given that Baldur's Gate 3 was the standout game of 2023 and remains immensely popular, it's likely that the trio of Funko Pop companions could sell out across all retailers before their launch. Thus, we strongly recommend preordering them while they're still in stock. Amazon, for instance, sold out of Shadowheart and Karlach within hours.

For those seeking additional Baldur's Gate 3 collectibles, the upcoming line of official Baldur's Gate 3 Icons of the Realm minis for Dungeons & Dragons is worth exploring. The primary $50 set includes pre-painted figures of characters such as Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Wyll, and Withers. Additionally, there will be monster booster boxes featuring painted figures of numerous iconic enemies from Baldur's Gate 3, with a giant $200 bundle offering 40 figures. The D&D Icons of the Realm: Baldur's Gate 3 character and monster minis are slated for release in early 2025, with preorders currently exclusive to the Wizkids online store.