US President Joe Biden is set to resume his campaign activities on Wednesday, focusing on rallying labor leaders, despite ongoing pressure from some fellow Democrats urging him not to seek re-election. Over the past 13 days, the 81-year-old Biden has been working to prevent defections from Democratic lawmakers, donors, and other allies who are concerned about his potential loss to Republican Donald Trump, 78, following his less-than-stellar performance in the June 27 debate.

Biden is scheduled to attend the AFL-CIO's executive council meeting in Washington on Wednesday, where he will engage with leaders of major US labor unions and discuss their mutual goal of defeating Donald Trump in November, according to the Biden campaign. Labor votes played a crucial role in Biden's victory over Trump in key states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Nevada in 2020. Democrats in the US Congress are still deeply split on whether to support Biden or to encourage him to step down due to ongoing concerns about his health and mental sharpness. Biden has asserted that he is fit to serve but acknowledges the questions raised.

On Tuesday, Representative Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey became the seventh House Democrat to publicly call for Biden to withdraw from the race. Many Democrats are worried that Biden's continued presence at the top of the ticket could lead to the party losing the White House and both houses of Congress in November. However, public defections remain a minority within the 213 Democratic-aligned House of Representatives members, and the party's leadership continues to publicly support Biden. No members of the Senate have publicly suggested that Biden should step aside.

Biden, keen to shift the narrative, has surrounded himself with his most loyal supporters, including Black Democratic lawmakers and voters. His campaign portrays sticking with Biden as a repayment of the loyalty he has shown them throughout his 50 years in public service. Biden's first campaign rally in 2019 was held at a Pittsburgh union hall, and he has made his strong alignment with major labor leaders a cornerstone of his populist economic agenda. In September last year, he became the first sitting president to join a union strike when he met with United Auto Workers demanding raises.

Labor leaders expected to attend Wednesday's meeting include the national presidents of 60 unions, representing 12.5 million Americans, according to Biden's aides. This week, Biden also used the NATO summit as a global platform, delivering a forceful speech condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Wednesday, he will meet with NATO leaders and then host a dinner for heads of state. The dinner, usually not a focal point, has garnered attention due to concerns about Biden's ability to handle the demands of the presidency for another four years.

Vice-President Kamala Harris, the party's top alternative should Biden withdraw his candidacy, will address the Black Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc in Dallas following a campaign stop in Las Vegas on Tuesday. After the NATO summit concludes, Biden will embark on another campaign tour, visiting two key states, Michigan and Nevada, where he needs to sway voters to defeat Trump.

White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre faced another round of questions from reporters about Biden's health on Tuesday. In a statement, the White House physician confirmed that Biden is not being treated for any neurological condition and received a clean bill of health at his most recent physical examination in February.