President Joe Biden's lackluster debate performance against Republican rival Donald Trump has sparked criticism among Democratic insiders, donors, and former and current staffers, who now question the strategic decisions made by his top advisors. Trump, aged 78, repeated several debunked falsehoods during the 90-minute debate, including his baseless claim of winning the 2020 election. Biden, 81, struggled to counter these assertions, leading to calls within the Democratic party for him to reconsider his bid for a second term and for possible resignations among his senior team.

One source, who sought to ensure Biden was well-rested before the debate, expressed disappointment, stating, "He was exhausted and unwell. It was a poor decision to have him appear so sickly." Others were more direct, with John Morgan, a Florida attorney and significant Biden donor, accusing senior aide Anita Dunn of mismanaging the debate preparation. Morgan suggested that Dunn and her husband, Bob Bauer, the president's attorney, should be permanently removed from the campaign.

Biden's debate strategy was approved by campaign chair Jen O'Malley Dillon, who played a crucial role in his 2020 victory. Confidence was high as Trump faced legal troubles, and Biden embarked on a series of international visits. Despite initial low poll numbers, Biden's ratings began to rise, prompting a rigorous debate preparation schedule at Camp David. A close-knit group of advisors, including Ron Klain and Mike Donilon, assisted in the preparations.

Biden's campaign dismissed rumors of a staff overhaul, emphasizing the collective involvement in the debate prep. Internal polls showed no significant shift in voter opinions post-debate, according to O'Malley Dillon, who remains confident in Biden's prospects for November. Biden's international trips, though mocked on social media, were seen by his team as showcasing his leadership on the global stage.

As Biden prepared for the debate, his advisors anticipated a more disciplined Trump and focused on equipping Biden with detailed responses. Critics argue that the preparation should have emphasized a broader vision for the country. Biden's physical appearance and vocal strain during the debate were noted, with Michael LaRosa, a former Biden aide, expressing concern over his performance.

Earlier this year, some advisors questioned the necessity of debating Trump, fearing it would benefit the Republican. Biden ultimately decided to proceed, opting for a controlled environment with CNN as the host. The aftermath of the debate saw Biden delivering a strong speech in North Carolina, but the damage was perceived as done. Discussions within the Democratic party about potential alternative 2024 candidates are ongoing.