“Each of us possesses a chronological age and a biological age,” states Shirley Dsouza, a certified Keto and Primal Living coach based in the UAE. “Biohacking can aid in reversing your biological age, making your body younger than your actual age,” she elaborates. Dsouza embarked on her fitness path as an ordinary individual, facing typical issues associated with a fast-paced corporate life, such as weight gain and fatigue. She experimented with various diets, from blood-type diets to juice cleanses, but found them ineffective. It was during this period that she encountered the ketogenic diet, which emphasizes high protein, high-quality fat, and low carbohydrate intake. She experienced weight loss but also noticed hair loss, leading her to consult a keto coach overseas. This consultation guided her to a nutritional approach to keto, distinguishing it from the 'dirty keto.' Within five months, she shed 33 kilos and discovered her new life purpose: assisting others in achieving their best fitness. This journey culminated in her becoming KetoCoachDXB. Over eight years, she has maintained her weight and helped others get fit, launching Meal2Heal, which provides nutritional, ready-to-eat meals across the UAE.

As she sought to expand her knowledge, she came across the term 'biohacking.' Biohacking, though sounding like a buzzword, involves making small adjustments to lifestyle, incorporating routine enhancements, or using technology to optimize body function. “Keto is already a form of biohacking. This can help reverse ailments,” she notes. “The key to reversing your biological age lies in maintaining gut health and liver function,” she adds, warning that neglecting these can lead to autoimmune diseases, allergies, infertility, and cholesterol problems. Dubai is at the forefront of biohacking, with an Asia and MENA biohacking conference scheduled for October and a global biohack summit held last year. “One of the best biohacks is getting eight hours of sleep daily,” Dsouza emphasizes. Another simple hack, beneficial for diabetics and those with insulin resistance, involves consuming a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water daily, which is scientifically proven to lower the glycemic index.

There is no specific age to start biohacking, though most advocates are between 35 and 50. “Biohacking is a global movement that allows you to control your own biology by altering your environment and internal conditions,” says Dave Asprey, author of 'Smarter, Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want.' Dsouza believes that biohacking can begin at any age, even with simple changes like improving children’s diets, incorporating workouts, and using the right supplements. Biohacking can also aid in anti-aging, as Dsouza, a member of the UAE Biohacking Club, discusses various devices and methods, such as using electromagnetic field (EMF) shields at home to reduce exposure to EMF from electronics.

As more people recognize the benefits of biohacking, assistance is readily available. Clinics in the UAE offer services to determine biological age, along with therapies like oxygen, light, and cryotherapy. To start biohacking, Dsouza recommends seeking help from a functional nutritionist to understand electrolytes and supplements that boost energy levels. “Take baby steps,” she advises, suggesting starting with red light therapy candles. Red light therapy, according to the Cleveland Clinic, works by enhancing the mitochondria, the energy source of cells, leading to more efficient cell functions like skin repair and rejuvenation. Dsouza notes that while biohacking doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s crucial to focus on the science behind the methods. For instance, stimulating the vagus nerve can aid relaxation, and there are market options for vagus nerve stimulators.

Ultimately, Dsouza emphasizes the importance of research to find what works best for your body, offering various methods to achieve optimal fitness.