Bollywood actress and model Malaika Arora has found herself in the public eye following the devastating news of her father's passing, which emerged earlier today. The tragic incident took place at their residence in Bandra West, Mumbai, where Malaika's father took his own life by leaping from the terrace of their home while the actress was attending an event.
As the news of the tragedy spread, Malaika rushed to the scene, visibly distraught, struggling to come to terms with the sudden and heartbreaking loss of a cherished family member. Approximately 12 hours after the incident, Malaika turned to Instagram to share a deeply emotional post with her followers. Accompanied by a photograph of her father, she wrote a poignant message expressing the immense grief her family is feeling and requesting privacy as they navigate this difficult period.
In her message, Malaika emphasized the profound shock the family is experiencing, stating, "We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our dear father, Anil Mehta. He was a gentle soul, a devoted grandfather, a loving husband, and our best friend." She continued, "Our family is in deep shock by this loss, and we kindly request privacy from the media and well-wishers during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding, support, and respect."
The Instagram post concluded with messages from various family members, including Malaika’s mother Joyce, her sister Amrita, her son Arhaan, her nephews Azaan and Rayyan, her brother-in-law Shakeel Ladak, and their beloved pets. Malaika’s father had lived a relatively private life, and while much of his personal details remained out of the public eye, his sudden death has sent ripples through both the entertainment industry and the broader public.
Support from friends, colleagues, and fans has been pouring in, with many offering their condolences and words of comfort during this incredibly painful time for the Arora family.