Wolfs stars Brad Pitt and George Clooney explored the challenges of ageing in the acting industry, sharing their insights on the trajectory of their careers. At 60, Brad Pitt voiced his feeling that he is approaching the end of his acting path, but not due to typical reasons. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Pitt clarified his use of the term "last leg", stating, "I see it as different phases. Initially, there's the move from the secure environment of the Ozarks. You start this journey focused on exploration, which is thrilling, engaging, and also difficult and unpleasant."

"Then, when you reach the major leagues, it's a shift to a different game involving responsibilities and obligations. Yet, it also brings opportunities, joy, and collaboration with respected peers," he added. Considering his present stage of life, Pitt further remarked, "Now, it's about what these final years will entail. I observe my parents and see how George described it. In their 80s, the body weakens. Yet, I look at Frank Gehry, who is a wonderful man. At 95, he continues to create exceptional art and enjoys a loving family. That seems to be the key to staying creative and cherishing life."

Clooney, who participated in the conversation with Pitt, highlighted the unique aspect of their profession, stating, "We're in a field that doesn't mandate retirement."