BTS member V and Bing Crosby come together in a groundbreaking new rendition of the iconic 'White Christmas,' set to release on Friday, as reported by South Korean media. This 'era-bending' collaboration leverages technology to blend Crosby's timeless voice with K-pop sensation V's contemporary vocals and a fresh instrumental arrangement, creating an illusion of a joint recording session, according to V's agency, HYBE.

The vocals from Crosby are sourced from the 1950s recording of the Irving Berlin-penned holiday classic, which holds the title of the best-selling physical single of all time, as recognized by Guinness World Records. V, whose real name is Kim Tae-hyung and who was born 18 years after Crosby's passing in 1977, also recorded a cover of the US singer and actor's 'It's Been a Long, Long Time' in 2022, as reported.

'I was so happy and grateful to sing alongside the voice of my hero,' V expressed, currently fulfilling his compulsory military service. 'Crosby is my favourite jazz artist, and I hope you enjoy the song, which I sang with deep admiration for him as a fan,' the 28-year-old added.

The song is scheduled for release at 9am UAE time, accompanied by a music video.

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