The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (CBUAE) has introduced its 'Zero Bureaucracy' initiative within the financial sector, in line with the broader 'Zero Government Bureaucracy' program of the UAE Government. This initiative is designed to streamline government processes, making life easier for individuals and reducing the time, effort, and resources required by businesses and individuals.

In collaboration with the Prime Minister's Office, the CBUAE held a workshop to explore the implementation mechanisms of the Zero Government Bureaucracy program. The program targets the elimination of at least 2,000 government procedures, a 50 percent reduction in procedure times, and the removal of all unnecessary processes and requirements. During the workshop, participants discussed various initiatives aimed at reducing bureaucracy through simplification and reduction of procedures, faster service delivery, and innovative government procedures.

The goal of these initiatives is to enhance operational efficiency and improve service quality for customers and partners in the financial sector. Additionally, the CBUAE Youth Council and Happiness Committee are facilitating communication between CBUAE employees and various departments to share viable ideas and proposals with the internal committee overseeing the Zero Government Bureaucracy program, aligning with the CBUAE's vision and organizational values.

The CBUAE has also issued a notice to all licensed financial institutions, encouraging their involvement in the program through participation in a workshop to be organized by the CBUAE, focusing on simplifying and expediting procedures related to customer and business services in the financial industry. Khaled Mohmmed Balama, Governor of the CBUAE, emphasized that the Zero Government Bureaucracy program reflects the leadership's vision of creating an integrated, innovative, and forward-looking government ecosystem. Eliminating bureaucracy within the CBUAE is a continuous process aimed at fostering development and success in the financial sector, supporting the 'We the UAE 2031' vision to position the UAE government as a global leader in forward-thinking ecosystems.