Hollie Briant, now celebrating 11 years in Dubai, made the emirate her home just four days after graduating. After nearly a decade in the beauty industry, she has established her own bridal boutique, Dazed & Engaged. This venture, a long-held dream of the British expat, has seen the 32-year-old invest her life savings into the endeavour.

If asked to describe money in one word, Hollie would choose 'security.' While life isn’t solely about money, it does provide a sense of security. In a letter to money, she might write: 'Dear Money, I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate you much sooner. Growing up, I was taught to respect and never forget your value. Looking back at my 20s, when I was starting my career, I wish I had saved more and been more mindful of my spending. Now that I’m older and have worked hard, I truly think about my purchases and focus on saving for my future plans. Thank you for the lessons you've taught me along the way.'

Hollie attributes her relationship with money to her upbringing. From her first job, she had to pay rent, which taught her the necessity of work for survival. This experience highlighted that the more she worked, the more money she had to enjoy life and gain freedom, leading her to discover her enjoyment of working.

From her mother, Hollie learned valuable lessons about money management. Her mother emphasized saving for the future, instilling in her the importance of financial security and careful planning. However, Hollie feels she could have benefited from a more adventurous approach to finances, as her mother was quite conservative.

One of the most profound experiences Hollie had with money was when she purchased her first property. As she signed the contract, a perfect but unaffordable property appeared on her phone, serving as a stark reminder of past unwise spending. This moment was a powerful wake-up call, teaching her the importance of smarter financial decisions.

If Hollie could give her younger self or her child one piece of advice about money, it would be: 'Work smarter, not harder. Always remember your worth in any career or financial endeavour.' This advice is crucial for understanding the value of efficiency and self-worth, leading to more strategic decisions about earning, saving, and investing money.

For Hollie, saving isn't just about setting aside money; it’s about making daily investments in her businesses and herself. These investments are crucial steps towards building a future that adds significant value to her life.

Her greatest financial decision was investing her savings and time into Dazed & Engaged, alongside her business partner. This decision, which they are immensely proud of, has transformed the boutique into a leading destination for bridal and hen party accessories.

Hollie's biggest financial regret relates to crypto investments. This experience taught her the importance of thorough research and understanding before diving into investment opportunities.