As we commemorate the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of India, the world's largest and, in my opinion, greatest democracy, I am imbued with a deep sense of what I call ‘Neo-Patriotism’. This concept is not a novel form of patriotism but an advanced understanding of what it signifies to cherish and uphold our country. Neo-Patriotism does not revolve around demonstrations of power or nationalistic fervor. It involves adopting a serene and reflective dedication to India's advancement, rejoicing in its economic strides, restoring confidence in our financial structures, and steadfastly believing in India's role as a harmonizing and constructive influence in a world growing more fragmented.

I frequently remark on our good fortune, as members of the Indian and Indian-origin community in the UAE, to observe the remarkable synergy between the UAE—a hub of innovation and progress—and India, the birthplace of civilization. This vibrant blend has generated numerous success tales across various social and economic strata. The alliance between these two countries is more robust than ever, owing to pioneering efforts like the CEPA and the India-Middle Eastern Corridor. These collaborations have strengthened our bond and laid a robust groundwork for a future marked by sustainable excellence.

On this significant day, I offer my sincere felicitations to all Indian citizens and individuals of Indian descent. Let us collectively embrace our duty to protect and enhance the only world we inhabit, ensuring it flourishes in the most optimal way.