Dubai presents a diverse array of educational programs, making the choice challenging for new parents who must consider multiple aspects, including the child's potential, personal needs, learning methods, and future career aspirations. Lise Marie, a parent, selected the French educational system provided by Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou (LFIGP) after thoroughly assessing her children's educational requirements. Here, she shares her rationale for choosing LFIGP.

Could you provide a brief family background, Lisa Marie? We are an Australian family residing in Dubai for the past 13 years. Our eldest is in the 4th Grade, and we have twin boys in Moyenne Section. English is the primary language spoken at home.

You've chosen a French-style education in a richly multicultural setting, with over 30 nationalities represented at LFIGP, and the French system is renowned for its strictness. Is that correct? My mother is from the Seychelles Islands, where French was her first language. We aimed to equip our children with the ability to speak fluently in two languages, enabling them to communicate with our relatives and friends in the Seychelles and worldwide.

Although many English-language schools offer French language programs, they are not immersive, resulting in most children graduating with only basic French language skills. We advocate that an immersive program is the optimal way for children to fully develop bilingual abilities, particularly if they come from an English-speaking home like ours. We also recognize that bilingualism offers numerous educational and long-term career advantages, enhancing cognitive abilities, reasoning, and concentration.

What are the primary differences between the French Education system and, say, the IB? The IB program has gained global acceptance in universities, and we believe that LFIGP's bilingual education equips students for international opportunities. The capacity to excel in both French and other languages provides more options than a monolingual curriculum.

What is the main value addition at LFIGP? LFIGP fosters inclusivity for students from diverse heritages and linguistic backgrounds. They support students who do not come from Francophile families, offering FLESCO lessons as part of extracurricular activities. The FLESCO program targets non-French-speaking pupils, providing specific and tailored support in learning French, adapted to each child's unique needs and learning profile.