This April, the UAE and specifically Dubai witnessed a record-breaking rainfall, the most substantial in 75 years. Tanzeed Alam, the managing director of Earth Matters, explains that as global temperatures continue to increase, we can expect more frequent and severe weather events like the April storm. He predicts that what was once a one-in-75-years event could recur every 20, 15, or even 10 years.

Climate change poses a significant threat to our existence, yet it appears unlikely to be resolved within our lifetime. Rising temperatures and an uptick in natural disasters have fostered a pervasive sense of despair among Gen-Z globally. Research indicates that climate change has emerged as a major global discussion over the past five years, with more young people viewing it as a critical issue. Terms like 'climate change,' 'global warming,' and 'greenhouse effect' are often misused interchangeably, stirring strong emotions.

The fundamental causes of climate change remain unaddressed. While some countries have the capability to move away from oil, they have not taken sufficient action, whereas countries like the UAE are making more significant strides. This includes governmental and stakeholder initiatives to reduce emissions, end flaring, and set green targets for 2030.

Despite these efforts, Gen-Z demands more proactive measures. However, older generations are hesitant, believing that the government alone can tackle these issues without the involvement of youth activism and focused debates on climate change. It seems that Gen-Z, the most politically vocal generation on climate issues, will be tasked with cleaning up the Earth, facing shorter winters, longer summers, and frequent catastrophic floods.

Mitigation strategies, such as transitioning from fossil fuels and removing plastic from the oceans, are necessary but insufficient as we have already surpassed critical warming thresholds. The focus now shifts to restoration. Just as a car requires maintenance rather than an engine replacement when it fails to start, Earth needs similar care. Yet, the previous generations have handed over the keys without proper maintenance.

In light of this, Gen-Z must take a stand. While the debate between restoration, mitigation, and adaptation will be explored further, it is crucial to consider whether Gen-Z will heal the world or merely delay the inevitable. Young activists, including Greta Thunberg, represent just the beginning of a much larger movement, and Gen-Z understands that transitioning to renewable energy is not just a starting point but a fundamental necessity.