Renowned Japanese violinist Coco Tomita is preparing for her inaugural performance in Dubai, a collaboration between Global Notes and Encore Performing Arts, in partnership with Dubai Opera and Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai. Scheduled for Saturday, July 6, 2024, at 8pm, the event will be held in The Studio at Dubai Opera. Tomita, celebrated for winning the BBC Young Musician of the Year 2020 Strings Category, has swiftly ascended in the realm of classical music. Starting her musical career at four, she has graced prestigious stages in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. Her debut album, Origins, was acclaimed by Gramophone Magazine as “One to watch,” named “Young Classical Star” by Classic FM, and selected as ‘Disc of the month’ by Apple in April 2022. For her Dubai Opera debut, Tomita will collaborate with esteemed pianist Simon Callaghan, offering a night of exceptional musical mastery. Their repertoire includes sonatas by Debussy and Prokofiev, complemented by evocative works from Takemitsu and Enescu, demonstrating their virtuosic skills and profound interpretation. This event, curated by Concert Pianist and Artistic Director Amira Fouad and sponsored by the Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai, is a must-see for classical music aficionados. Tickets are priced from Dh199 and can be purchased on Dubai Opera’s official website.
Text: Lara Palmer
Japanese Violinist Coco Tomita and Pianist Simon Callaghan to Perform at Dubai Opera on July 6, 2024