Attending the funeral of a stranger may seem unusual, but it can be driven by compassion, a sense of duty, or humanity as one's life nears its end. Recently, thousands gathered to pay their respects to Liodmila Shtshebynia, a Russian expat who embraced Islam just days before her passing. Following an announcement on @Janaza_UAE, people from diverse backgrounds came together to honor her and provide the support she lacked in her final moments.

For Fouzia A, a Bahraini expat residing in Dubai, responding to such calls for solidarity has become a habit. She emphasized the importance of treating those without families as one's own, underscoring the significance of communal support. Fouzia's compassion extends beyond attending funerals, as she actively participates in relief efforts during crises, such as the recent UAE floods.

Similarly, Muhammad Fariduddin, a Canadian expat in Sharjah, exemplifies this selfless act by regularly attending funerals of strangers. His involvement is facilitated by the 'Janaza Alerts' WhatsApp group, which notifies members of funeral events across the UAE. By religious obligation and belief, Muhammad finds solace and fulfillment in honoring and praying for the departed.

Religious motivations play a significant role in this act of kindness, as Muslims believe that attending funerals not only benefits the departed but also ensures spiritual rewards for the attendees. Farid emphasizes that such deeds serve as a form of investment in the afterlife, with attendees receiving substantial spiritual merit and potential prayers for their own forgiveness.