A dedicated Cyberpunk 2077 player has embarked on an ambitious quest to reach the maximum level before diving into the main campaign. The journey took an astonishing 40 hours and 30 minutes of relentless grinding. This impressive achievement was accomplished under significant constraints, particularly during the game's early stages before the mission that introduces V's journey and the enigmatic Johnny Silverhand.
Reddit user uO__Ou shared their strategy, detailing how they first navigated the introductory missions and then exploited a glitch to escape the Watson area. This allowed them to concentrate on leveling up to the cap of 50. At this stage, the game's various side missions and gigs are not yet accessible, but engaging in repetitive activities in specific zones proved effective. "Head to Pacifica, specifically Batty's Hotel, for what I found to be the most efficient farming spot," uO__Ou advised. "Repeat this process endlessly. It took me 40 hours, but with better efficiency, it could be done in under 35 hours. Remember to take regular breaks for an XP boost and switch weapons to maintain sanity and skill progression."
Once the main campaign begins, the experience becomes smoother, as campaign missions offer substantial XP rewards compared to the constant battles with gangsters in Pacifica. According to How Long to Beat, the average completion time for the primary story is over 25 hours. With such extensive preparation, uO__Ou should find the rest of the game relatively straightforward.
For those intrigued by this grind, Cyberpunk 2077 and its Phantom Liberty expansion are available for just $40 during Black Friday on PS5 and Xbox Series X. In other news, don't hold your breath for a PS5 Pro upgrade, but you might get a sneak peek at the sequel through future playtests hosted by CD Projekt Red.
Source link: https://www.gamespot.com