Actress Deepika Padukone made a memorable appearance at Diljit Dosanjh's Bengaluru concert on Friday, leaving fans buzzing with excitement. The Piku star, who recently made her first public appearance post-pregnancy, not only attended the concert but also took the stage with Dosanjh, adding a unique twist to the evening. In a video shared on his Instagram, Dosanjh warmly acknowledged Padukone in the audience before inviting her to join him on stage. "We've seen her on the big screen, so beautiful. She's made a place in Bollywood on her own. You should be proud, we are all proud," he said.
The excitement reached new heights as Deepika grooved with Dosanjh to his hit song Lover. However, the most memorable moment came when she taught Dosanjh how to say 'Nanu Ninige Preetistini' (I love you) in Kannada, at his request. Videos of their engaging interaction quickly went viral on the internet. Recently, on Diwali, Padukone and her husband, Singh, introduced their daughter to the world, revealing her name to be 'Dua Padukone Singh'.
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