Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred has arrived, marking the first major expansion for Diablo 4. Along with the new area and class, the Spiritborn, there is also a new season, featuring fresh content and activities to engage in. Even without the expansion, players can partake in new activities such as the Realmwalker, which plays a significant role in the Seasonal Journey objectives. Completing these objectives not only grants a substantial amount of battle pass XP but also rewards loot for each chapter completed. Progress on objectives in chapters not yet reached is tracked, but the progress in each chapter is only reflected once that chapter has been reached. To complete a chapter, you must fulfill 8 out of 10 objectives.

Chapter 1 objectives are generally straightforward, with most occurring naturally during gameplay. However, due to the new campaign introduced with Vessel of Hatred, some activities like the Helltide or Realmwalker might only naturally occur after finishing the campaign. Therefore, it's beneficial to actively complete some of these objectives to start earning seasonal rewards. The Zakarum Remnants Rank appears in multiple chapters and can be progressed by engaging in the Realmwalker.

Chapter 1 rewards require completing 8 out of 10 objectives. Chapter 2 objectives are another set of relatively simple tasks, but engaging in the Realmwalker whenever possible is crucial, as several objectives are tied to this event. The remaining objectives can be completed fairly quickly.

Chapter 2 rewards also require completing 8 out of 10 objectives. Chapter 3 objectives prompt players to increase the difficulty to Expert for bonus XP and the objective. The Scorned Heroes are linked to the Realmwalkers, so continuing to grind this activity is necessary if those objectives haven't been completed. The most time-consuming activity is the Forsaken Offerings, but completing dungeons that are also Whispers can knock out two objectives simultaneously.

Chapter 3 rewards require completing 8 out of 10 objectives. Chapter 4 objectives necessitate increasing the difficulty to Penitent. Players will again need to engage in the Realmwalker, and if they weren't already playing on Penitent, previous efforts in these activities won't help. For the Blood Maiden, players received summoning materials as a reward for completing the previous chapter, though other players often summon the Blood Maiden as well. Completing Strongholds is worthwhile, as some Nightmare Sigils are for dungeons locked behind these Strongholds.

Chapter 4 rewards require completing 10 out of 12 objectives. Slayer objectives require increasing to Torment 1, which must be unlocked by completing Artificer Tier 20 with a level 60 character. Once unlocked, players can address other objectives requiring this difficulty. Acquiring 5 Paragon Glyphs to Rank 15 is time-consuming but crucial for boosting character power, making other tasks easier.

Slayer rewards require completing 9 out of 11 objectives. Champion objectives include one requiring Torment 2, unlocked by completing Tier 35 in The Pit, but this can be saved for later. Depending on gear and build strength, players may prefer to complete other objectives, like bosses, on Torment 1. The loot is better on Torment 2 but also more challenging, so it might be wise to delay increasing difficulty until feeling powerful on Torment 1.

Champion rewards require completing 8 out of 10 objectives. Destroyer objectives mark the final chapter, allowing players as much time as needed to complete it. Focusing on masterworking and The Pit objectives can expedite rewards, as several are tied to these and will improve gear, making other tasks easier. The two listed bosses are tough but can be tackled on Torment 1, which players likely moved on from by this point.

Destroyer rewards require completing 8 out of 10 objectives.