Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred introduces the first post-launch class, Spiritborn. This class challenges the spirits of four distinct animals to deliver a range of damage types, tailored to your build preferences. Coupled with potent passive abilities, Spiritborn provides ample opportunities for crafting formidable builds, provided you grasp each animal's unique strengths. Here's a comprehensive guide to the Spiritborn class in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred.

The Spiritborn class channels the spirits of four animals: Centipede, Jaguar, Eagle, and Gorilla. Centipede skills specialize in poison damage, Jaguar skills boost attack speed, Eagle skills inflict lightning damage, and Gorilla skills deal substantial physical damage. Initially, focusing on one animal type is advisable to optimize your build. However, once you unlock the Spirit Hall through your class quest, you gain greater flexibility.

The Spirit Hall allows you to harness a special passive ability from one of the four spirits. Crucially, it enables all your skills to be recognized as skills from the chosen spirit. For instance, if you equip only Centipede skills but activate the Jaguar Spirit Hall passive, all your Centipede skills are treated as Jaguar skills. This means any Jaguar-related passives from your skill tree or equipment also apply to your Centipede skills, offering a high degree of customization.

Specific passives and stats can be the foundation of your Spiritborn build. Combining Spirit Hall passives, such as Jaguar for the first slot and Eagle for the second, significantly boosts critical hit chance. Alternatively, pairing Gorilla in the first slot with Centipede in the second dramatically enhances thorns damage. Most Diablo 4 builds thrive when centered around a single damage bonus, making it essential to find a combination that complements your loot.

Regarding equipment, the Spiritborn is limited to three types of two-handed weapons: Glaive, Polearm, and Quarterstaff. This restriction affects weapon affixes and limits the use of Unique and Mythic Unique items in your build. The primary stat for Spiritborn is Dexterity, which increases overall damage as you level up. Strength offers armor and critical hit chance, Intelligence provides elemental resistance and resource generation, and Willpower enhances healing received and overpower damage.

As Diablo 4 builds evolve with each patch, we won't prescribe a specific build here. Instead, we recommend visiting Icy Veins for the latest end-game builds if you prefer not to create your own.