Over 200 employees of Disneyland Resort staged a protest at the renowned California theme parks on Wednesday, demanding improved wages and condemning what they claim are anti-union tactics by the company, just before a crucial strike vote.

The demonstration, which included workers dressed in costumes from attractions like 'Indiana Jones' and 'Star Wars', was orchestrated by unions representing approximately 14,000 Disneyland employees, ranging from rollercoaster operators to candy makers. Among the signs carried were slogans like 'Mickey would want fair pay' and 'Disney, don't be the villain' during the march in Anaheim, close to Los Angeles.

'We deserve fair wages,' stated 44-year-old Disneyland employee Ginny Cristales. 'A strike is our last resort, which we do not wish to pursue. But if Disney does not meet our demands, we are prepared.'

Disney has been in talks with four California unions representing its park employees since April. These discussions have yet to produce any results, and unions accuse the company, known as the 'Happiest Place in the World', of intimidating employees. It is alleged that Disney has disciplined and issued warnings to over 500 employees for wearing a union pin depicting Mickey Mouse's glove in a fist shape.

'Last week, I witnessed a manager instructing a cast member to remove her badge. He informed her it would be noted on her record,' Cristales recounted. 'She became stressed and frightened.'

These allegations have led to an investigation by the National Labour Relations Board. Disney has stated that the union buttons contravene its 'Disney Look' dress code.

Employees will cast their votes on whether to authorize a strike this Friday. If approved, unions will determine the strike's terms and duration. Contract negotiations with Disney are scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday.

Following last year's extensive strikes by Hollywood actors and writers, another significant walkout at Disney would be unprecedented. According to the LA Times, employees at the Disneyland Resort, which includes Disneyland and Disney California Adventure theme parks, have not gone on strike since 1984.

However, Cristales, a mother of four, noted that her $2,800 monthly salary does not cover her family's rent. 'We make the magic, they make the money,' was one of the chants heard Wednesday, as passing cars honked in support.

A slogan on a protester's T-shirt read, 'Disney will invest $2 billion in its park but refuses to pay workers a living wage.'

The protesters marched to the park's boundary, where they attempted to set up for speeches, but were directed by security to relocate to a car park about 200 yards away.

'With today's rally, we continue to focus on the well-being of our guests and cast members,' Disney stated in a Wednesday release. 'We are committed to the upcoming meetings on July 22-23 and reaching an agreement with Master Services that prioritizes what matters most to cast members, positions Disneyland Resort for growth and job creation, and allows us to continue delivering incredible guest experiences.'