A significant traffic incident was captured by the Abu Dhabi Police's highway surveillance cameras, triggered by a motorist who was driving excessively fast and failed to maintain an adequate gap from the vehicle in front. The police released a 31-second video on Tuesday showing a four-wheel drive racing in the leftmost lane, disregarding the insufficient space between it and the preceding car. Unable to prevent a crash, the four-wheel drive collided with the vehicle ahead. The impact was severe enough to cause the driver to lose control, resulting in the vehicle crashing into a roadside barrier and almost overturning. The car was severely damaged after flipping over. Motorists are urged to avoid distractions and stay focused while driving, ensuring full attention to handle any vehicle issues immediately. Failure to pay attention in such scenarios can lead to traffic accidents, frequently resulting in fatalities and serious injuries. Authorities noted that the penalty for distracted, reckless driving is Dh800 and 4 traffic points. Most road accidents in the UAE are due to traffic violations, with deaths increasing by 3% due to driver misconduct, as per a recent report. The Ministry of Interior's recently published 'open data' on 2023 road safety statistics revealed 352 road fatalities nationwide in 2023.

Text: Lara Palmer
High-speed collision captured on police cameras highlights dangers of reckless driving