During the UK general election campaign, AFP encountered a diverse group of Britons, including disillusioned Conservatives, Labour supporters, and those seeking change or influenced by the hard-right or apathy. Cathy Gosling, a 64-year-old retired former London book publisher now living in northern England, was adamant about voting for the main Labour opposition. She criticized the current Conservative government as corrupt, inefficient, and immoral, questioning how a millionaire could lead the country during a cost-of-living crisis. Despite her loyalty, Gosling expressed reservations about Labour leader Keir Starmer's cautious approach, wishing he had been more dynamic.

Charlotte Anselme, a 21-year-old jewelry shop owner in Richmond, North Yorkshire, where Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is seeking re-election, accused the Conservatives of ruining the country and labeled the Reform party as racist and homophobic. She and a friend, unable to vote Green due to their perceived lack of winning potential, planned to vote Labour despite their dislike for Starmer's stance on Gaza.

Claudette Forrester, a 61-year-old resident of Godalming, Surrey, traditionally a Conservative-voting town, expressed confusion about the main parties, finding them equally unsatisfactory. She felt politicians were out of touch with the everyday struggles of the average person.

Tom Lough, an 82-year-old former British Steel engineer, intended to vote for Sunak despite his dissatisfaction with the state of the country. He had no confidence in Labour's ability to improve the situation and lamented the low competency levels of current politicians compared to past leaders like Winston Churchill.

Michael Cashman, a 49-year-old from Clacton, planned to vote for the anti-immigration party of Brexit figurehead Nigel Farage, acknowledging it might benefit Labour. He felt compelled to vote for change to avoid stagnation.

Kaden Hayes, an 18-year-old from Bury, northwest England, was indifferent to politics and felt ignored by political parties, deciding not to vote. He perceived the government as more focused on older audiences.

Holly Cobb, a 21-year-old who cared for her sister with various medical conditions, was drawn to Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey, who has openly discussed his experiences as a carer. Davey's advocacy for caring issues resonated with Cobb, who found his openness powerful and unprecedented in political discourse.