It was a moment of great pride for the father and son duo. The Ruler of Dubai and the Crown Prince secured a dominant 1-2 finish in the challenging 120km Euston Park Endurance ride in the UK, which took place 15 years ago today. The event, held on August 3, 2009, saw a competitive field of 118 riders from various countries including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Australia, Ireland, England, and the USA.

Sheikh Mohammed rode his horse Acadini, and Sheikh Hamdan was on Jazyk. The race, dubbed 'Ride with the Stars', was among the most demanding events on the English equestrian calendar, featuring some of the world's top horses aiming to display their power and endurance in their natural environment. It was a significant test for the riders, requiring them to be ready for the harsh conditions of endurance riding.

Navigating through rivers, meadows, and plains, Sheikh Mohammed led the pack, completing the 120-kilometer course in 5:07:47, securing victory in the endurance race. Sheikh Hamdan closely followed, finishing just a fraction of a second later in 5:07:48. The pride was palpable as the father and son celebrated their win by galloping side by side with the UAE flag held high.

Sheikh Majid bin Mohammed bin Al Maktoum and Sheikh Saeed bin Maktoum Al Maktoum also took part in the endurance ride. Sheikh Mohammed's deep affection for horses is well-documented. As the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, he is recognized as one of the most successful racehorse owners globally. His passion for horses is reflected in his poetry book 'For the Love of Horses', released by Dubai Media Office in March 2019, which includes a collection of 18 poems in Arabic and English.

In his book 'Qissati (My Story)', Sheikh Mohammed recounts his childhood memories of sleeping in stables with his horse. His family's tradition of horse riding is a significant part of his life, as he grew up watching his father ride 'Al Saqallawi' without a bridle across Dubai. He emphasizes that a horse is treated like family, providing devotion, protection, and care, similar to how one would treat their children.