‘The apparel oft proclaims the man’, said Shake- speare’s Polonius, and right he was. In the modern world, a nice-looking face works as a business card, opening professional and social doors. So, investing in beauty procedures brings a range of physical, psychological, and social benefits. Their improved looks boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem, beauty salon users do become more socially involved and successful in life.
Beauty standards have been evolving since times immemorial, continuously reflecting the everchanging social norms and values. Nowadays, these standards are becoming more diverse and inclusive, celebrating a wider range of physical appearances. The importance of beauty undeniable, many people show interest in improving their natural features with the help of dermatology and aesthetic medicine.

Dr. Kuznechenkova, PhD in Dermatology, a renowned international speaker, lecturing on her innovative cutting-edge techniques. She is a firm believer in regenerative dermatology, focusing on novel therapies, allowing the skin to renew and heal quickly in case of damage. ‘Our patients tend to favour procedures, subtly improving their appearance and providing natural rejuvenation’, says Dr. Kuznechenkova.
Aesthetic treatments give a number of health benefits. For example, such procedures as laser hair removal reduce the risk of ingrown hairs and skin irritation appearing. Facials and massages help to improve blood circulation and reduce stress.
Some people want to delay aging, others wish to get a gentle camouflage of skin imperfections, bothering them. We’ve adapted our techniques to cater to any needs of our patients. For instance, Dr. Kuznechenkova has developed a comprehensive approach to treating a variety of skin issues, including custom-tailored treatment strategies and non-invasive techniques, such as Ultherapy, BBL Forever Young injectables, and different la- ser treatments, using injectables.
In our treatment plans, we use focused beams of light to address specific skin problems, such as open pores, wrinkles, age spots, and sun damage. These procedures can also be used to rejuvenate skin and improve its texture, tone, and overall appearance.
Dr. Kuznechenkova says, ‘It must be noted, though, that the effectiveness of non-surgical cos- metic treatments varies, depending on patients’ individual features and the specific procedure used. That’s why our clinic focuses on personalised aesthetic treatment plans, including a thorough assessment of the patients’ needs and goals and making up customised schemes, tailored to their unique characteristics and desired outcomes, to be reached in a safe and effective way. Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced professionals, able to handle even difficult cases’.