Dubai Charity Association has provided immediate aid to those impacted by floods caused by heavy rains in Mali and Niger, including food packages, a medical team to combat malaria, and the construction of shelters. The assistance has reached families in Bla, Ségou region, Mali, and Shentberdine, Tawa state, Niger.

Ahmed Al Suwaidi, Executive Director of Dubai Charity, emphasized, "Dubai Charity's numerous philanthropic initiatives and relief efforts reflect our commitment to offering essential support to our brothers and friends in times of hardship, following the noble example set by our esteemed leadership, whose humanitarian values are deeply respected and recognized by all, making the UAE a beacon of genuine fraternity and charitable giving."

He noted that the association promptly dispatched emergency relief to Mali, including 500 food baskets containing rice, pasta, oil, milk, and sugar, benefiting approximately 2500 people in Bala, a city severely affected by the floods. These baskets ensure basic sustenance for the affected families, allowing them to lead a dignified life and achieve self-sufficiency for a month. In Niger, 515 food baskets were distributed to 2575 individuals in Shentberdine, Tawa state, along with the construction of 50 huts to house 50 families.

Al Suwaidi highlighted that the aid program also encompassed therapeutic relief, with a medical convoy operating for four days to treat malaria and distribute health supplies, aiding 300 people in Mali and 145 in Niger, in addition to addressing other ailments such as typhoid, influenza, unexplained fevers, vitamin deficiencies, and various childhood diseases. The recipient families expressed heartfelt gratitude to the UAE and Dubai Charity for their support and assistance.