In a pioneering move to promote reduce, reuse, and recycle, a Dubai-based company has launched a concept enabling party organizers to set up a sophisticated and lavish table without financial strain. During the 'Journey to Net Zero Forum' hosted by Khaleej Times on Tuesday, Florence Bulté, the chief sustainability officer at Chalhoub Group, highlighted the growing trend of renting silverware and dinnerware in the UAE. This concept mirrors the practice of renting designer handbags, which are status symbols often seen on celebrities. Instead of investing heavily in luxury items used infrequently, renting allows individuals to enjoy high-end products without excessive expenditure, Bulté explained.

“This is a fascinating and innovative idea that emerged two or three years ago,” she continued, adding, “The concept stems from a customer study we conducted in the GCC, revealing that our luxury clientele were open to either purchasing or renting luxury items. Thus, we developed a platform to meet their needs.” Bulté emphasized that the service offers customers the freedom to alter their table settings to match their dinner themes, providing various options.

Bulté also noted that the rental business model is a significant step towards sustainability. It offers a broad range of table settings, from formal and elegant to traditional, including unique classical dinner plates paired with beverage and water glasses. Additionally, options range from sparkling crystalware with opulent table settings and eye-catching centerpieces to contemporary settings with simple colors and minimal patterns.