A consultancy in Dubai is making significant efforts to foster a healthier and more engaging work environment for its employees, introducing initiatives such as allowing pets in the office and providing walking pads for use during work hours. Recognizing the global trend towards holistic workplace well-being, Kekst CNC, a global communications advisory firm, has taken proactive measures. "Our people are our greatest asset," said Abbie Kadom, head of people and culture, in an interview with Khaleej Times. Kekst CNC operates 14 offices worldwide, including locations in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, London, Paris, and Munich, with its Dubai branch fully adopting an employee-centric well-being strategy.

"The work landscape has transformed significantly, particularly during and post-pandemic, inspiring us to reconsider how we support our employees both personally and professionally," Kadom explained. "We aimed to establish an environment where individuals can flourish, remain engaged, and consistently bring their best to work." Innovative initiatives include 'Bring Your Pet to the Office Day,' which permits employees to bring their pets to work on specified days. Additionally, the office is equipped with walking pads to help staff meet their daily step goals while on the job. Sound healing sessions are also provided to enhance mental and emotional health, along with monthly fitness challenges that encourage friendly competition to improve physical health.

Kadom acknowledged that implementing these extensive changes was not without challenges. Gaining employee buy-in and convincing them of the initiatives' value required effort. "It's crucial to balance productivity with flexibility. Securing support from all organizational levels was another hurdle. However, we achieved broad backing through transparent communication and by showcasing the potential benefits of our initiatives," Kadom stated. The feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly positive, with employees feeling more valued, supported, and motivated. Initiatives focusing on mental health, flexible working, and wellness have significantly impacted overall well-being, fostering a positive and cohesive work environment.

To gauge the success of these initiatives, the company utilizes a mix of quantitative and qualitative data, including employee engagement surveys, health metrics, retention rates, and productivity levels. "Our culture and programs are attracting significant interest from potential new hires and have been instrumental in retaining our top talent," Kadom noted. Among the initiatives, allowing pets in the office for a day stood out as particularly effective. "Having pets at work serves as a great stress reliever and mood enhancer for our employees. Moments like these highlight the importance of a caring and supportive environment, breaking down barriers between colleagues and creating a more relaxed and friendly workplace," Kadom shared. For companies considering similar programs, Kadom advises starting by listening to employees and understanding their needs, then starting small, measuring the impact, and scaling up based on what works best for the team.