Dubai Customs has exposed a complex marijuana smuggling operation that had been active for an extended period, according to a statement released on Sunday. The illicit substance was discovered hidden within compressed, vacuum-sealed plastic bags, a method employed by the smugglers to obscure the odor and minimize the volume for easier transportation. These vacuum-sealed packages were then concealed inside cardboard and plastic boxes of popular food brands, a strategy designed to blend in with ordinary consumer goods and evade detection. The investigation resulted in the thwarting of 13 smuggling attempts, involving a total of 54 kilograms of marijuana.

The authorities were able to dismantle the operation through a series of carefully executed inspections, revealing a smuggling technique that had been repeatedly used by travelers from a particular Asian country over a long duration. This successful operation represents a major triumph in the continuous fight against global drug trafficking. Despite the intricate nature of the crime, Dubai Customs inspectors, utilizing advanced detection technology and rigorous inspection methods, managed to uncover the smuggling attempts.

This operation underscores the agency's enhanced vigilance and top-tier capabilities in detecting illegal substances and combating smuggling activities.