A fresh legislation in Dubai is poised to simplify the regulatory framework governing the law enforcement powers granted to community members, employees, and organizations responsible for managing public facilities.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has enacted Law No. (19) of 2024, which governs the allocation of law enforcement capabilities within the emirate. This law is designed to guarantee the effective enforcement of regulations by those entrusted with law enforcement powers, while also fostering stronger public-private collaborations in the administration of public facilities in Dubai.

Furthermore, the legislation aims to encourage community members to support government entities and proactively aid in preventing actions or omissions that contravene Dubai’s laws. It applies to employees of government entities, employees of private companies contracted by government entities, and institutions granted law enforcement powers to manage public facilities. Additionally, it encompasses members of the Dubai community, including citizens and residents, who are granted law enforcement powers, with the exclusion of members of the judiciary and police officers.

The law specifies conditions for granting law enforcement powers to community members, such as a minimum age requirement of 30, although exceptions can be made by senior government officials when deemed necessary. Individuals must possess the requisite knowledge, qualifications, and expertise in their respective fields, including familiarity with relevant legislation and the violations they are tasked with enforcing. They are also required to undergo training and demonstrate proficiency in utilizing modern technology. The Law mandates the use of Arabic in investigations and establishes guidelines for the duties and performance evaluations of judicial officers.

More details to follow.