Dubai Municipality has deployed 3,150 field supervisors and sanitation engineers to maintain cleanliness across the emirate during the Eid Al Adha festivities. This initiative is integral to the civic body's strategy for managing public cleanliness and community services throughout the extended holiday. The municipality's plan encompasses technical programs, work plans, and coordination of supervisory and field activities, ensuring coverage of all roads, residential zones, markets, public beaches, waterways, and public facilities. Over 2,300km of roads will undergo monitoring and cleaning as part of this extensive program, underscoring the authority's dedication to upholding high cleanliness standards in public services, particularly during special events and holidays in Dubai.

An integrated workforce of Dubai Municipality includes 250 supervisory and control staff responsible for overseeing basic cleaning duties, managing routine and emergency field reports, and supervising 2,250 sanitation engineers. The cleaning team operates on a four-shift system, supported by necessary resources, with an additional 650 cleaning engineers from the private sector overseeing operations in tourist, industrial, and desert areas. A dedicated team of seven field supervisors and 84 sanitation engineers will work in three shifts daily to clean public beaches, where eight beaches will be exclusively reserved for families during the holiday. A 140-member safety and rescue team will also be deployed to enhance beach safety.

For the 2,300km of main roads, a specialized team of 155 sanitation engineers and 10 supervisory personnel will ensure cleanliness in four shifts. The municipality's operational strategies are designed to handle all emergencies, maintaining the hygiene of main roads and highways. A fleet of 759 automated vehicles will execute various routine field operations and respond to emergencies, running 456 daily programs on average during the Eid Al Adha holidays. To maintain general cleanliness operations, Dubai Municipality has scheduled and controlled landfills, waste disposal locations, and treatment facilities, with Al Qusais landfill, Bayada landfill, and the medical waste incinerator at Jebel Ali Hazardous Waste Treatment Plant operating around the clock.

The authority has facilitated access to services through its website, including applying for permits to dispose of hazardous waste and commercial waste, contracting with waste collection and transportation companies, and securing no-objection certificates for infrastructure and construction projects. Dubai Municipality encourages the public to follow guidelines, preserve public facilities, avoid barbecuing on green areas, refrain from littering, and ensure proper waste disposal to maintain the emirate's cleanliness.