Dubai Police identified sixteen synthetic drugs through comprehensive experiments, research, and meticulous laboratory analyses conducted over the past year. These synthetic drugs mimic the properties of narcotics but feature a slightly modified chemical structure designed to circumvent restrictions. Major General Ahmed Thani Bin Ghalitha Al Muhairi, Director of the General Department of Forensic Evidence and Criminology, disclosed that the department processed over 58,344 examination requests in 2023. This figure encompasses not only criminal cases but also other reported incidents, with approximately 2% originating from other Emirates.

The announcement was made during a press conference by the General Department of Criminal Evidence and Criminology. Senior officers from the department also participated to highlight their achievements. Dr. Mohammed Ali Al Marri, a prominent expert and assistant professor of genetics at Dubai Police, discussed the establishment and success of the Centre for Genomic Research. This center, the first in the Arab world to apply genetic identification in DNA, has revolutionized forensic investigations by enabling the analysis of complete genomic data from both human and non-human samples.

Dr. Al Marri emphasized that the center's creation marks a significant milestone, enhancing the ability to solve complex criminal cases with greater precision. Additionally, the department sent ten experts to Libya to assist in identifying victims of a natural disaster. Dr. Younis, another expert from Dubai Police, highlighted the critical role of crime scene management teams in solving intricate cases, both locally and internationally. These teams have significantly contributed to uncovering the truth behind complex crimes, reinforcing Dubai Police's reputation as a top-tier law enforcement agency.

The General Department of Forensic Evidence and Criminology also utilizes international work manuals for investigations, incorporating techniques such as collecting human remains, analyzing bloodstain patterns, investigating underwater crime scenes, forensic entomology, criminal profiling, and facial reconstruction technology.