Dubai Police plans to expand its Drone Box initiative, aiming to boost the number of drone units from six to eight by the end of this year. This forward-thinking system, which offers a glimpse into the future of law enforcement, is designed to expedite emergency responses and enhance public safety across the emirate. The objective is for the Drone Box system to become the primary tool for initial responses within the police force, effectively aiding in emergencies and conserving law enforcement resources.

Khaleej Times recently had an exclusive look at the Drone Box System, which was first unveiled by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, in 2021. This autonomous aerial platform is among the first globally to operate drones beyond visual line-of-sight and is engineered to swiftly address urgent incidents, reducing response times and leveraging the latest technological innovations to bolster security services.

Captain Mohammed Omar Almuhairi, head of the unmanned aircraft systems centre at the General Department of Operations, provided insights into the project: “The Drone Box system is crucial in cutting response times to emergencies and supplying vital data and support for decision-making processes. Our aim is to achieve comprehensive coverage across Dubai with minimal human intervention.”

For example, upon receiving an emergency report from Dubai’s streets, drones are promptly dispatched to the scene and monitored from the command and control room at the Drone Systems Centre. These drones conduct a thorough survey, enabling an accurate assessment of the situation before rescue teams arrive. They also provide live feeds to the command centre, allowing decision-makers to monitor the situation in real time and make informed decisions. During major traffic accidents, this capability aids officials in managing traffic and directing rescue operations more effectively. Furthermore, in situations such as heavy rains or fires, drones are instrumental in locating individuals who are trapped or in need of assistance, thereby accelerating rescue efforts.

Dubai Police’s drones are notably self-sufficient. If a drone’s battery is low, it autonomously returns to its base station to replace its battery without human intervention, ensuring continuous operation and efficiency. Dubai Police is among the first global agencies to deploy such an advanced drone system, reflecting its dedication to leveraging technology for enhanced policing. The drones support a variety of operations, including traffic monitoring, emergency response, and crisis management, significantly enhancing the efficiency of Dubai’s emergency services.

Captain Almuhairi also emphasized the comprehensive training that drone operators undergo at the unmanned aircraft systems centre. “Our drone operators undergo rigorous training to handle these systems safely and effectively. They are prepared to respond to various situations and adhere to all regulations,” he noted.

Dubai Police has actively engaged with the public to inform them about the Drone Box system. Captain Mohammed Omar Almuhairi explained, “We have been proactive in addressing any concerns about the drones. Once people understood that these aircraft are part of Dubai Police’s advanced security system and recognized their benefits, they welcomed the initiative and expressed their support.”

To further educate the public, the drones have been showcased in various exhibitions to highlight their role in enhancing security. Easily identifiable by their blue panels and the police logo, the drones serve as a visible symbol of Dubai Police’s commitment to using cutting-edge technology for public safety.

While the public has shown enthusiasm for this advanced technology, there have been concerns regarding privacy, particularly in residential areas. The top official addressed these concerns, emphasizing the system’s commitment to privacy: “We understand the public’s concerns about privacy. Our drones are designed to look at the horizon, avoiding direct observation of individuals, ensuring that privacy is respected while maintaining high standards of security.”