Dubai Police reported on Friday that they handled nearly 80 boat collisions and 10 maritime rescue incidents in the first half of 2024. Brigadier Dr Hassan Suhail Al Suwaidi, director of the Ports Police Station, disclosed that the authorities responded to a total of 78 maritime collisions and recorded 272 maritime-related violations from January to June this year.

Brigadier Al Suwaidi emphasized, "Dubai Police's marine rescue teams are among the most skilled and well-prepared in the country and the region, equipped with the latest technology, advanced rescue tools, fast boats, and advanced GPS devices." Col Ali Abdullah Al Naqbi, deputy director of the Ports Police Station, added, "The teams have shown their capability to respond swiftly and effectively, saving numerous lives and providing assistance in critical situations."

Al Naqbi further mentioned that the Facilities Security Section conducted 12 field inspections, identifying seven areas of concern that require targeted adjustments by relevant entities according to laws and regulations. Dubai Police highlighted that "promoting awareness of maritime security and safety is a key priority." They have conducted over 550 lectures and training workshops focused on maritime security and safety, and have also organized navigation procedures in accordance with UAE maritime laws.