The Dubai Police have unveiled the premiere of their educational children's cartoon series, Officer Mansour, set to debut on the Spacetoon channel on Sunday, September 1. This pioneering effort positions Dubai Police as the first Arab police force to create a children's cartoon series that captivates and educates young viewers with important messages.

The series stars Officer Mansour, a beloved figure in Dubai Police known for his honesty, diligence, and public service. Joining him are characters like Amna and Tygo the dog, who together navigate various life situations, teaching children valuable lessons in an entertaining manner. The show will be aired five times a day for 35 weeks on Spacetoon and its app, reaching millions of children across the Arab world, with additional availability on Spacetoon's YouTube channel, which has over 10 million subscribers and 4 billion views.

In a forward-thinking initiative to foster education and awareness among children, Dubai Police has introduced a new cartoon series aimed at delivering educational, traffic, and community awareness messages in an engaging and entertaining way, according to Brigadier Ali Khalfan Al Mansoori, Director of the General Department of Community Happiness. He emphasized that the series is integral to Dubai Police's mission to strengthen its community role and educate younger generations about essential values and contemporary societal issues. Al Mansoori also noted the acquisition of intellectual property rights for all episodes, each addressing pertinent topics relevant to children and modern challenges. The creators have meticulously crafted the series to ensure high-quality content, writing, design, and production, aligning with Dubai Police's goal to enhance community happiness and safety.