A recently opened café in Dubai, renowned for its lavish gold-infused dishes, has welcomed its first customer from its exclusive royal menu. Boho Café, which debuted at the DIFC’s Emirates Financial Towers last month, reported that a European tourist indulged in its luxurious offerings on Friday. The customer savored gold souvenir coffee, four gold croissants, and two scoops of gold ice cream, resulting in a bill totaling Dh6,600. The detailed receipt shows the coffee priced at Dh4,761.90, the croissants at Dh1,142.86, and the ice cream at Dh380.95.
Sucheta Sharma, the owner of Boho Café, emphasized that the establishment is designed to provide both luxury and affordability. “We aimed to create something extraordinary for those seeking indulgence, while also serving the broader community,” she stated. Since its launch last month, the café has attracted attention for its dual menu, which includes affordable Indian street food alongside opulent items such as gold karak tea (Dh150), gold water (Dh300), and gold souvenir tea and coffee, complete with a silver cup and saucer as keepsakes.
Source link: https://www.khaleejtimes.com