The relaxation of travel regulations for divorced parents and their children is timely, coinciding with the Eid Al Adha holidays and summer break. On Thursday, the Dubai Courts introduced new measures that permit the immediate cancellation of a travel ban in the Freedom Restriction System upon judicial approval. This update makes it simpler for a parent and child to leave and return to the UAE, unlike previous rules where leaving the country with the child without the other parent's consent could be considered 'abduction'. Emirati lawyer Ali Juwair Alla Al Ahbabi, well-versed in Shariah and international law, noted that the previous complex process sometimes resulted in children missing out on leisure, educational, or medical opportunities. Al Ahbabi explained that the reform is designed to enhance social conditions and family welfare in Dubai, aligning with the objectives of Dubai Social Agenda 33. He detailed to Khaleej Times that the old system, which necessitated the guardian's or legal custodian's approval before travel, often led to lengthy delays and increased psychological strain on both guardians and children. The new system streamlines procedures and alleviates burdens. Guardians can now apply for a travel permit electronically through the Dubai Courts digital portal. Applications are swiftly and accurately reviewed by relevant authorities, ensuring prompt approvals. The updated mechanism also incorporates additional security measures to safeguard the child's interests and prevent any travel-related risks. Compared to the old system's complex procedures and delays, the new electronic application process is quick and straightforward. The previous system's uncertainty caused psychological stress for guardians, whereas the new system offers peace of mind with its efficient procedures. The old process could result in children missing educational or medical opportunities, but the new process ensures timely access to these rights. Al Ahbabi believes this new mechanism will enhance family life quality by fostering a supportive environment for children through smart and flexible policies that prioritize community interests. He hopes this initiative will lead to increased family stability and well-being in Dubai.