A new system in Dubai has been introduced to enable enforcement judges to access information about a respondent's assets and to seize them for sale if required, without the need to contact multiple departments.

Launched on Thursday, the Tanfeeth+ system, as announced by the Dubai Courts, will effectively expedite the execution of verdicts.

As part of this initiative, Dubai’s judicial department will collaborate with the Ministry of Interior to ensure the enforcement of liberty-restricting orders, travel bans, and asset seizures by integrating with its database.

Dr Saif Ghanem Al Suwaidi, director-general of Dubai Courts, expressed that Tanfeeth+ is a comprehensive digital approach that enhances the efficiency of judicial enforcement, reducing the time required for procedures that involve communication with multiple entities.

Furthermore, the Digital Writ of Execution seal will streamline the enforcement of court rulings, allowing petitioners to initiate procedures without visiting service centres. The courts will also accept digital requests to optimize execution procedures and automate administrative decisions.

Additionally, the system includes features such as the ‘Sale notification system’ to promptly inform court officials about confiscated items, ‘Automated cancellation of enforcement’ to lift seizures upon completion of payments, and an ‘Automated disbursement system’ to transfer amounts deposited in the enforcement file to the petitioner’s registered bank account.

Another significant feature is the implementation of ‘virtual bank accounts’ to facilitate the direct deposit of seized assets for automatic disbursement to each party.