Jeanette Santana experienced anxiety as she dropped her daughter off at school today. This wasn’t solely due to the first day following the extended summer break, but also because it signified her daughter’s inaugural day at school in a new country. The Filipino expat, residing in Dubai for 14 years, had long endeavored to persuade her daughter to relocate to the emirate. Her daughter, nurtured by her grandparents in Manila, initially hesitated to depart. “Raised by her grandparents, she began to sense a generational divide. Gradually, she recognized that I could empathize with her more than her grandparents. It felt akin to proposing to my daughter, imploring her to 'please join me in Dubai'. Eventually, she consented,” recounted Jeanette, employed as an HR consultant for an architectural and engineering firm.

Recent trips to Dubai and the allure of advancing her career in a city brimming with educational prospects ultimately swayed her daughter’s decision. “Transitioning from Manila, this is a significant shift for me, and I anticipate various challenges ahead as this marks my first academic year in the UAE. It’s a blend of anxiety and exhilaration,” expressed Jancsey Alexa Camins, who joins Gems Founders School - Al Barsha this year. “I’m commencing Year 10, and in a few years, college awaits. Dubai boasts numerous reputable schools and branches of prestigious international universities, making it an opportune moment for this pivotal move,” she added.

Meanwhile, Jeanette disclosed that she had been scouting for a suitable school for nearly a year. “I’ve consulted with parents about the school’s standing, perused reviews, and monitored the school’s ratings. My colleagues and members of the Filipino community also endorsed this school. The transition proceeded smoothly, although we encountered some hurdles with the documentation in the Philippines. However, since I initiated the process in March, everything was finalized within a couple of months.”

In a similar vein, Atiq ur Rehman and his family have recently migrated to Dubai from Islamabad, seeking enhanced opportunities and a superior quality of life. The Pakistani expat emphasized that they view this move as a chance to connect with new people, immerse in a distinct culture, and learn in a novel setting. “This is a chance to expand your perspectives and acquire distinctive experiences. Yet, commencing school in a new country is a substantial change that inevitably brings a mix of trepidation and excitement. Consequently, we’ve been psychologically preparing our son for this transition over the past few months, as he starts Year 4 here.” “Today marks the first day of school in Dubai, and he’s feeling somewhat apprehensive. I selected GEMS Founders due to its renowned and reputable status. I applied to several GEMS schools, and found this one to have a 'Very Good' rating and be more affordable compared to many others.”

For Eiza Waheed, there was also a sense of a fresh beginning, as she transitioned from an Indian curriculum school to a British curriculum school this year, grappling with initial jitters. The 15-year-old elucidated that starting a new school entails attempting new activities and redefining oneself. “I was enrolled in the CBSE curriculum this year, but my parents and I opted to switch to the British curriculum as I aim to pursue A-levels. I’m confident that over time, I’ll acclimate, meet new people, and become accustomed to the routine,” stated Eiza.