Emirati job-seekers are encountering a unique problem as private sector firms urge them to expedite signing job contracts due to the approaching Emiratisation deadline. This urgency arises from companies delaying the hiring of nationals until close to the deadline, leading to a frantic effort to meet targets and evade fines. Job-seekers have reported receiving numerous calls from companies to sign contracts, even for positions that do not align with their skills or experience. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (Mohre) has established June 30 as the deadline for meeting nationalisation targets for the first half of 2024. Private sector companies with 50 or more employees must increase their Emirati workforce by 1% before the deadline or face hefty fines for each national not hired. Amal Mohammed, an Emirati job-seeker from Dubai, shared her experience of applying for a position at a private company, declining the offer due to the distance from her home, and then being persistently contacted by the company. She found the job did not match her qualifications and the office was too far. The company sent her a contract hastily, with errors including incorrect contact details and educational level, despite her being a college graduate. The company pressured her to sign quickly, citing potential fines if she did not comply. Two other Emiratis also signed contracts under pressure but are now considering quitting due to dissatisfaction with their roles. A recruitment expert highlighted the issue of mismatched job offers due to the rush to meet Emiratisation targets, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach to hiring Emiratis. The MoHRE has cautioned against 'fake Emiratisation,' where Emiratis are hired nominally to avoid penalties, and has a system in place to detect and penalize such practices. The ministry reported catching 1,379 companies attempting to unlawfully hire 2,170 UAE citizens, imposing fines and other penalties. The target for private companies is to increase the Emirati workforce by 2% annually to reach 10% by 2026, with fines for non-compliance set at Dh8,000 per month per Emirati not hired. Experts advocate for a robust talent acquisition strategy to ensure successful and sustainable Emiratisation.