In an era marked by constant change and interconnected global challenges, the transformative power of youth has become a beacon of resilience. As we navigate through complex healthcare landscapes and societal disparities, the role of young people in shaping the future of public health and philanthropy is paramount. Indus Hospital & Health Network taps into the potential of young leaders, known for their innovative spirit and steadfast dedication to social causes. IHHN empowers its youth ambassadors to lead the charge in addressing critical healthcare issues and promoting community well-being.

To foster social responsibility and cultivate future leaders, The Indus Hospital launched the Indus Youth Ambassador Programme (IYAP) in 2021, entrusting these young talents to drive progress on local and global scales. Beginning with 15 pioneering young minds, IYAP has expanded to include nearly 150 committed individuals dedicated to saving lives. Through their collective efforts, they have initiated hundreds of fundraising campaigns, benefiting millions of patients. The ambassadors have relentlessly raised funds for various causes, from supporting cancer patients to aiding young mothers in remote, flood-affected areas.

In Pakistan, IHHN is more than just a hospital; it is a haven of hope and healing for over six million patients annually. Since its establishment in 2007 under the visionary leadership of Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, IHHN has become a formidable force in the battle against disease and despair. With unwavering dedication, it has extended its healing services to the most vulnerable sectors of society, providing a lifeline to those with nowhere else to turn. IHHN comprises a network of healthcare facilities including multiple hospitals, regional blood centers, physical rehabilitation centers, and primary care sites spread across Pakistan. Yet, its impact goes beyond infrastructure, deeply affecting the lives of millions through its free-of-cost healthcare services.

Our youth ambassadors diligently launched the ‘Champions of Change’ campaign on the Yallagive platform at the beginning of Ramadan. Their efforts ensured comprehensive access to high-quality, free-of-cost healthcare services for all zakat-eligible patients, accounting for 70% of IHHN’s total patient base. They tirelessly raised awareness about healthcare challenges in rural Pakistan, highlighted the impact of IHHN’s primary care program, and secured significant donations.

In 2017, IHHN initiated its Primary Care Programme (PCP), addressing profound healthcare disparities in Pakistan, especially among marginalized communities where over half the population lacks access to essential healthcare services. With alarming statistics showing that one in every 20 Pakistanis is infected with HCV, over 3.4 million cases of Malaria are reported, and 63.3 out of 1000 children do not reach the age of five, IHHN employs a comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach to community development through the PCP. This program integrates family medicine and acute care with public health initiatives, operating across 38 sites including hospital-based facilities, mobile clinics, and tele-health centers, benefiting 9.2 million individuals and fostering resilient communities and improved overall well-being.

Following the remarkable success of this campaign, we extended our efforts and launched the “NourishMom” programme to raise funds for malnourished mothers and their infants. Our young ambassadors demonstrated their passion by collecting an impressive total of Dh151,375 during this period. Through their campaigns, they have facilitated quality healthcare provision, uplifted underprivileged communities, and touched the lives of millions of underserved individuals and families.

Our dedicated youth ambassadors include students from various schools in Dubai and Sharjah, each contributing to the cause with unwavering commitment. Indus Youth Mentors and Indus Leaders, also from various schools and universities, play a crucial role in guiding and inspiring these young ambassadors. Through their passion, creativity, and dedication, our youth ambassadors are not only driving tangible change but also redefining compassion and collective responsibility, extending their impact to the underprivileged in Pakistan.